The Truth
Over the past 5 months, I've been sitting back and observing certain people and situations in my life. I had to take a step back from blogging again, just to clear my head a little after everything that has transpired recently. I've been keeping my vibrations high, working on other projects in the process.
We are living in the end times... Things are getting worse as the world closes in. This is not the time to lie and play mind games. People's true colors are being revealed, the masks are being lifted, and the facades are fading away. I've notice how certain people love to create drama out of nowhere for fun. People are starting to tell on themselves, without anyone having to say anything about them. I've notice how certain people will lie just to get what they want or at least, try to. I had a group of demons lying on me saying that I said and did all kinds of bad things, when I didn't even say or do anything bad at all. It was all lies, wicked people lying out of pure envy. I'm fully aware of what's going on, I've been aware. I'm an observer.
Someone asked me, What are demons? Well, Demons are unhealed people that refuse to change. As I've said before in one of my other post, when a person doesn't want to change their toxic ways, refuse to do the inner work that's needed to heal.. this is who they become, a demon. Haters are demons. Toxic, negative, heartless individuals with no empathy what so ever. They go around spewing negativity and toxicity at everyone they encounter, even their own family. These people love drama, they thrive off of it. They hate seeing others happy and will go to great lengths to keep them unhappy, but that's only if you let them... this is why it's important to heal! That's where prayer come in. In these trying times, prayer is a must! No matter what religion you are, prayer is the key. Prayer is what keeps the peace in place.
I've always been a peaceful person with a good heart so, the negativity doesn't shake me much because I'm always keeping my vibrations at a high frequency. I'm an Angel with a heart of gold, a sweetheart. No matter what I've been through, God will always pull me through the storms. More coming soon.