I was having a deep conversation with one of my fellow blog friends last night. We were talking about how both us have been dealing with the haters, and how we are handling this. She was telling me about how one of her haters rude comments on one her recent makeup videos upset her. The commenter said her makeup looks were "too extreme" and how she hated everything about them. A week later the hater admitted they was wrong, cried and then apologized for their rude remarks. She told the hater off, then blocked them. I'm also in the beauty community and being that I'm a makeup artist too, I can relate to this.
I have similar experiences. One time, a group of haters messaged me on social media and told me to stop. When I asked them why, they said there was no reason and told me to quit. So sad! I seen what they were trying to do the whole time. They messaged me again three months later begging for me to help them, apologizing for being so hurtful. Then, I had a toxic ex friend that was lying and trying to steal my blog, photos, nails, and makeup. She basically tried to be me, but got caught. That was bad a idea, my content is copywritten and copywrite laws are no laughing matter. Another time, a different hater messaged me about my makeup photos and told me my natural lips were too big. Then admitted they were wrong for coming at me like that. They all apologized but it was too late! These haters are envious and even admitted they wanted to be in my shoes. Yikes! True stories..
Why is it that these people throw insults? Why do they send hurtful messages and comments to content creators, cause chaos then apologize afterwards? Why can't they realize their issues before hand? Why can't they stop themselves from attacking people that are only trying to help them? Why? Well simply because "haters" are unhealed people. This is why it's important to heal. When a person doesn't do their inner work on themselves and do what's needed to heal themselves from within, that is who they become, a hater. A unhealed toxic individual spewing envy, hatred, and toxicity at everyone they in counter. That is why I tell my haters to heal. Heal.. please heal.
I'm not going stop, walk away, or delete anything. let's just make that clear! This is what I love to do and will continue to keep going. Nor will I tolerate the disrespect.. Respect is a two way street, not one. I've had a quite few people disrespect me, then got extremely mad when I stood up for myself. The audacity! I will not sit back, be disrespected for no reason then not say anything about it. No way, that's crazy lol! In this business, you will always have someone trying to hurt you or insult you because of their own insecurities. Can't let that stop you though, you have to keep going especially if it's something you love. I'm continuing to move forward.