Photo Credit: Heybeautimagazine
Hello! First, I will start off by saying Happy New Year. Hopefully everyone is having a good year so far. This will be my first blog post for 2024, I'm back. 2023 was a wild year to say the least. Last year definitely had it's ups and downs, but the good blessings outweighed the bad. Thankfully through the grace of God we made it through to another year. Where have I been? Well, I took a step back again to focus on my personal life, family, and other things.
Recently, one of my dear friends from middle school reached out to me by email. She was going through a tough time and was contemplating suicide. I was there for her, cried with her, guided her, and stopped her from hurting herself. That was an emotional, eye opening experience. She's doing better now and I'm happy. This is why I teach! This is not about competition, it's about helping the ones that really need positive, truthful guidance, love, and compassion. This is about making a difference and changing lives.
People often ask me, how do I have so much knowledge at such a young age? How am I'm able to be a light in people's lives during their darkest times and give guidance? Mostly through my own personal life experiences... I understand.
I know pain. I know how it feels to feel left out, hopeless, and alone. I understand how it feels to be bullied, to feel like you are not enough. I know! Growing up... I had a difficult childhood. I was bullied and teased for basically everything, my height (I'm 4'10) and weight. I had to stop thinking so negatively about myself, build my confidence and learn to love myself. During that process, I realized that nothing was wrong with me. I'm beautiful and that I am enough. There's nothing wrong with being confident and feeling good about yourself.
Last year, I took a step back mainly to make some serious changes in my life. I had to cut off toxic so called "friends" and family members. This was an emotional process that needed to be done in order to move forward. Then, I had a brief creative blockage that needed to be worked on. Thinking of different nail art designs to do next, more of that will be coming soon. My nails get a lot of compliments mostly because of their uniqueness. My designs are beautiful, unique, and detailed. Thank you for the compliments. I truly put my heart in everything that I do, and appreciate the love.
More coming soon!